Sunday 6 October 2013

A bedtime story

The big gate is creaking. The two silhouettes are crossing the threshold of an unknown place.
 “It’s so dark, Hanna” one of the silhouettes whines
 ”I’m scared, Let’s go home”
 “Are you crazy? Why should I? ”, answers the second one
 “It’s too creepy, Hanna”
 “I swear I’m going to show to that spoiled brat what means to be strong. How can she say that I’m a scared cat? It’s outrageous. So try to be a good girl Amy. We can do it.”
 “But, but, but, why do I have to come with you? It’s you who wanted to show Lucy that you’re not a scared cat, not me?
 “What? I thought we are friends? barks Hanna
“What, you think that I cannot do it? “
 “It’s not that, but really this place is creeping me out. You know the story behind this place. Why did you choose this cursed place to show that you’re not afraid?”
 Craw, craw. A sound is piercing the deadly silence of the place.
 “Ahhhhh” shouts Amy
 “Shhh. Be quiet!”
 “But, Hanna...I’m really scared. I hate this place.” shakes Amy like a leaf
 “Don’t be such a baby. It’s just a crow” “Let’s go inside. I need a picture. This way” says Hanna guiding her friend inside the house.
 Behind them the fog is rolling over the gate and the surroundings, trying to cover the tracks of any human presence.
 The door of the house is huge made from wood and decorated with otherworldly creatures. The door is opening with a loud creak. Inside, everything is pitch black.
 “Wait I have a torch” says Hanna reaching her pockets to find the torch. “I’ve found it”
 “Amy? Stop shouting like that.
“Amy..Amy..It’s not funny. Aaaanswer me, dammit” says Hanna shaking trying to turn on the torch.
 She turns it on. The light went straight in the face of a monstrous face.
 “Ahhhh” yelled Hanna with a fear twisted face.
 That was the last thing Hanna would get to see before being eaten by the dark. The torch stopped to light the place. The shouting that pierced the silence of the place is gone.
 “Craw craw”, a crow is flying undisturbed.

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