Tuesday 19 November 2013

Gig review( ONE OK ROCK)

       The lights are white, blue, green, red. The sounds of the bass, guitar and drums are played in the background as the last check. A voice is struggling to cover the fans asking desperately for the band to come.”Please do not take any pictures or videos. Thank you. And have fun” Everybody is screaming because they know it’s going to start. Finally, the 4 members are on the stage. The fans are struggling to get closer to their favorite band’s members and the show kicks off.
            So, this weekend I went to this gig in London. It’s the first time so I can say I’m a beginner in how to mingle in the atmosphere. The band is called ONE OK ROCK.
           If you don't know who they are, here some information.
It’s a Japanese band that started with the desire of a high school student, Toru Yamashita, to have a band. He asked one of his friends, Ryota Kohama, to join him as the bass and as well Alex Onizawa, as a guitarist. Not long after, Takahiro Moriuchi joined as a vocalist and Tomoya Kanki as a drummer. They officially debuted in 2007.
Their name comes from “one o’clock”, the time when they were practicing. Due to the pronunciation of the Japanese language, soon the “one o’clock” changed in “one o’krock” which was then separated to become “one ok rock”.
Due to some legal problems, one of the members, Alex Onizawa left the band in 2009. So from 2009 till now, the band called One Ok Rock made the audience to jump from their seats and to play with them.
This adventure of mine, started when I bought the ticket. It was quite hard to get it. For example, in France and Germany, the show sold out in 5 minutes. Because I wanted desperately to see them, I took up my position with my debit card and I moved so fast, even faster than a beam of light. And  I was one of the happiest owners of one precious ticket.
The months flew quickly so here I was, in front of O2 Academy Islington.
            This new experience started with a kilometric queue where I tried to talk with other fans but I hadn't had so much luck. Everybody seemed to be in their little world so it was quite hard to get in there and to chat about the band. But there were people ready to ask me what’s going on there. Strangers passing by were looking at us like we were some kind of circus that came in town. And, to kill their time and curiosity, the people were asking me what’s happening there. I was the information bureau.  Every time I was explaining who was going to sing, the passers were making wide eyes and started laughing.
            After these embarrassing moments, the gates were finally opened. I managed to get a place in from, next to the bassist, Ryota. They came and they sang and trust me, I really can’t remember what happened there. It was like an out-of-this-world experience for me. I just know that the atmosphere was so hot and full of happiness and desire to be one with the band. The vocalist voice was amazing; I really couldn't tell that it was live.  There were no mistakes, even though he was jumping all over the place, he was screaming and he was talking to us, trying to make us feel their music.
            There are a few moments which I remember. The staff was trying to keep us hydrated so they were giving us water. On one occasion all the water was on my face. My glassed and my shirt were so wet. But I didn't care that much anyway, I was soaking wet with perspiration.
The show was amazing fueled with energy provided by the audience and the band. People were singing with the band almost all the show so I could see the member’s happiness through their smiles.
There is one complaint about this show, the place. It was way too small to put the 800 people who had bought the tickets. I’m not sure that this is the fault of the event organizers or of the band for not knowing they've got many fans in Europe. I almost got squashed by other people, I was “traveling” from my place to another because the fans were trying to move closer and the hair of other girls which was stuck all over my face made the experience a little bit uncomfortable.
The night ended with a promise of the band to come back in the UK and with acclamation of the fans for the band. They were great, really good. You, the readers, should give them a change.
I end my review of this gig with a pain in soul.  This show was too short and I had too much fun. I guess all the memories of this event were recorded not by my head but by my heart because I really can’t forget the pleasure I had experienced in those two hours. 

Sunday 13 October 2013


The trees were singing a song that only Sandy knew. The song of memories, despair and magic. The rustling of the leaves had left in her heart an ache she couldn't forget . She sat at the trunk of a massive tree with her head raised to see the almighty sky between the nature's shades. She didn't know what to do next so she tried to ask the past.

Sunday 6 October 2013

A bedtime story

The big gate is creaking. The two silhouettes are crossing the threshold of an unknown place.
 “It’s so dark, Hanna” one of the silhouettes whines
 ”I’m scared, Let’s go home”
 “Are you crazy? Why should I? ”, answers the second one
 “It’s too creepy, Hanna”
 “I swear I’m going to show to that spoiled brat what means to be strong. How can she say that I’m a scared cat? It’s outrageous. So try to be a good girl Amy. We can do it.”
 “But, but, but, why do I have to come with you? It’s you who wanted to show Lucy that you’re not a scared cat, not me?
 “What? I thought we are friends? barks Hanna
“What, you think that I cannot do it? “
 “It’s not that, but really this place is creeping me out. You know the story behind this place. Why did you choose this cursed place to show that you’re not afraid?”
 Craw, craw. A sound is piercing the deadly silence of the place.
 “Ahhhhh” shouts Amy
 “Shhh. Be quiet!”
 “But, Hanna...I’m really scared. I hate this place.” shakes Amy like a leaf
 “Don’t be such a baby. It’s just a crow” “Let’s go inside. I need a picture. This way” says Hanna guiding her friend inside the house.
 Behind them the fog is rolling over the gate and the surroundings, trying to cover the tracks of any human presence.
 The door of the house is huge made from wood and decorated with otherworldly creatures. The door is opening with a loud creak. Inside, everything is pitch black.
 “Wait I have a torch” says Hanna reaching her pockets to find the torch. “I’ve found it”
 “Amy? Stop shouting like that.
“Amy..Amy..It’s not funny. Aaaanswer me, dammit” says Hanna shaking trying to turn on the torch.
 She turns it on. The light went straight in the face of a monstrous face.
 “Ahhhh” yelled Hanna with a fear twisted face.
 That was the last thing Hanna would get to see before being eaten by the dark. The torch stopped to light the place. The shouting that pierced the silence of the place is gone.
 “Craw craw”, a crow is flying undisturbed.

Sunday 29 September 2013

The antique bookshop

I’m surrounded by books. I’m intoxicated by their sweet and damp smell. I’m fired up.
 As soon as I cross the threshold of that place, I feel like home. I’m beset by books: Charles, Williams, Mea Allan, Edvard Radzinsky, John Connell. I walk idly to my favorite place. The books are welcoming me. I touch them slowly, like I'm caressing the face of a lover.
 I stop at one particular book. It has my sign on it. When I open the book, I feel the strong scent of an old book. The fragrance is intoxicating me. I feel like an insect that is going to be swallowed by the sweet redolence of a carnivorous plant. The book is eating my soul.
 I touch the book. The covers are so old. The cover is made from a thick material, with tiny protuberances. I love the color. It’s a pale green with beautiful gold threads, just like a river crossing a forgotten forest.
 I look for my chair, next to a window. I can hear the noise for outside. People shouting, laughing, children crying for some sweets, cars driving slowly on a busy road.
I go back to my book and start to read passage after passage. Gently, the noise of the human daily life is dwindling. I can’t hear anything except for my mind reading with greed. I’m in another world. I feel like my spirit is lifting to another dimension, where is so warm and cozy. Strangely, it reminds me of my grandmother’s home filled with the sweet smell of warm wine and cinnamon.
 I’m tasting the wonderful world of books, just like Eve tasting the forbidden apple of knowledge.