Friday 31 January 2014

A place called home

             People’s souls are feeding from memories. They are the nutrient for our daily complicated lives. They can be hard to digest because they’re too painful or full of vitamins giving us energy to live.
            Sometimes, when I’m staying in my room and nowhere to go, trapped like a bird in a cage, I remember that special moment when I felt free, when I saw angels.
            After two scorching summer days, the rain had come. I remember clearly how I put my shoes on and I went for a stroll in the woods. Getting there was a way of clearing the hot malicious thoughts that were invading my mind. When I got there, I admired the view. The hills were so green as if the rain had revived the almost dead grass. The lake was so bright under the refreshing sun’s rays, like diamonds caught under the light.
            The patches of green land were sitting stranded between the quiet rippling of the shining water. They seemed so desolated but their green was pulsating around the silver color of the lake.
            The sky was holding some clouds that were moving as the refreshing breeze was passing by like a nice neighbor saying hello.
            The rays of the sun were trying to fight against the clouds giving a feeling like angels were coming on earth. Blue, grey, strands of light and some colors left from a dying rainbow were making the sky a painter’s dream.
            The smell of wet soil was flooding my lungs. I felt so refreshed like the dragonfly that was flying so lively near me, playing in the grass.
            I was feeling the sky, the soil, the air, the rain. I was one with the nature.
            The angels were coming.